Peanut the Chihuahua now in spirit.
Peanut came through clear as a bell, telling me something only HE would have known!
His guardian forwarded me his photo after receiving my communication with him.

Trib the rescue horse
Too afraid to leave his companion

Trib. Trib & Jack
Trib a beautiful 17 hand heavy horse was rescued after failing entrance into the police force.
His new owner asked if I could help her to understand why he went into panic mode when she tried to take him away from his new companion horse Jack.
Trib told me he had given all his fears to his new companion who had kindly taken them on, and now Trib felt like a leaf in the wind as tho' he had to start again in life from scratch and was scared to be on his own.
He asked that his past failings could be forgotten and whether progress could begin very slowly please?
The rejection from the police force left him feeling cast aside , and could he have an acceptance Trophy please?
Update from Trib's owner
I thought you would like to know that today I took Trib into the field that Jack isn’t in. Despite them both living in there for some time, since they moved the two times I took Trib in I ended up with 3/4 tonne of 17.1 horse flying on the end of the lead rope and kicking out which isn’t good.
Today I took him in (just for a couple of minutes) and he was calm and responsive and didn’t call for Jack once. What a difference, thank you!
So happy for Trib first and foremost but even more so to see a scared, panicky horse relax and be able to start learning how to be involved in helping other animals in the future is momentous!
Go forward with your head held high lovely boy, you are my champion now!

The cows that refused to go in for milking.

Emer was worried that her cows Peach and Polly would not go in for milking for her when her husband goes away and wondered why not.
I picked up that they are afraid they may slip and hurt themselves when hurried while under her sole care.
Emer's anxieties around this were confusing them and also as Polly has a calf she was concerned there would be no milk left for her baby.
If Emer could give us more time we would do it.
Update...fabulous news!!
I was told....
"Polly is going into the milking shed with me, before she wouldn't. I tell her to take her time, I think her joints are sore, she is an older grand lady. And she likes not being hassled."
So...she would not go in with you b4?
"No she wouldn't go in for me, would just try and leave. I also tell her she has loads of milk and her son Sebastian (for that is his name) will have plenty but if he drinks to much he will get sick."

I was given several questions to ask Casey, regarding how he felt about his relationships with other animals and his female guardian.
Casey gave me an enormous amount of information, most of which was geared towards helping his female guardian. He was very concerned about her and expressed a strong desire for her to relax more as this is what makes him happiest. He gave suggestions that he would like to swim with her in sea and learn scent work. I am clever, like you I want to use my mind - fetch, carry, recue, scent work, swimming in the sea for both him and his owner.
Casey told me he would like all dogs to have more of a choice about which other dogs they like or dislike without fear of being reprimanded. Humans expect so much of us dogs at times and we can be put to sleep if we show our dislike too much. We just need to be given more choices and time in our decisions. He had been showing different behaviours to people coming up to him and his owners.
Validations received!
Casey told me that he takes things out of washing machines and I was later informed that he is a service dog who does indeed help to unload the washing machine.
I received the word "Dancing." I was then informed that they do wheelchair dancing to music.
I received the phrase" Kitchen cupboards" and later discovered that Casey's guardian is about to re-do the kitchen!
Review from Casey's owner.
"I found it helpful how you, Abbie, explained how your process was when you were doing your communication which made me understand your process and what to expect.
I loved your excitement in what Casey gave you and finding out that you were right. I loved your feedback Abbie, you were compassionate, caring and explained everything so beautifully and I didn't want it to end. You were spot-on with everything you said and I would love to have another session with you anytime."
Kat’s beautiful dog Ash in Queensland

This is Ash, she is 2.5 yrs old.
I would like to know generally about her life and is there anything she particularly loves.
I received..
Hi, I have connected with Ash for you, here is what she gave me so far xx
May I connect with you today?
Yes I have a burning desire to talk to you. My heart feels heavy.
I feel the loss of somebody/ something.
I love to run in the woods, hard to hear while running with the wind in my ears.
Do you wish to be offlead more?
Yes I do.
Apples...fruit...something lacking in diet...vitamins.
Eccles cake..raisins did she once eat raisins or was it chocolate?
(Toxic to dogs)
Life is a bit same old atm.
What would you like more of?
A massage and to be trusted more.
Is there anything worrying you?
Not particularly just more freedom.
To sniff out mosses and to go over hills to see the summit and sniff the air, the wind over my face .
Jenny, Erica.
Stifled about relationship?
Taken too young, missing siblings.
She asks you know any of them?
German Shepard..mum...or collie she says.
Been in trouble for nipping but she says it came naturally to her.
Would love a new collar and lead.
I want to feel pretty, a diamond ..she twinkles and hope you see that.
Is there anything also you would like to say?
Cabbage, broccoli she likes and greens...veggies.
Edwin or Edward.
I was then told from Kat...
Hi Abbie thank you for your connection with ashy!
She doesn’t show it but I know she is feeling the loss of her brother who passed 5 months ago, we all are😞 she does love to run in the bush, we live on a big property and go hiking every day. But... sometimes if someone accidentally leaves a door open to the front yard she will take off for a run herself! Which worries me to no end naughty girl.
We can only really trust her off lead at the beach as she loves to chase rabbits/Roos anything😳
She does love apples, always gets a bit every time dad has one!
She has a raw fed diet that should be complete, but I will look into that!
No raisins and never chocolate but she did eat star fruit once that was highly toxic poor thing! Emergency vets 😳
Ok I will give her a massage! 🤣 well I am a massage therapist and would give one to our boy every night before sleep. So she wants one too! Also, I have been trying to decide weather to enrol in a canine myofunctional therapy course! Maybe she’s telling me yes!
Interesting about the freedom, we do take her lots of places but maybe we’ll have to plan a trip away!
We have a foster doggie here atm she’s been with us a few months but they adore each other.
She was found abandoned with her siblings when she was rescued. The nipping actually we have been telling off her foster sister for doing that! Maybe she came through for that one!🤣
She has so many collars and leads, one is pink with little dimontes on it!
I always tell her my gorgeous girl, my princess ❤️
Yes she loooves veggies! Will eat them raw as I’m chopping up 🤣 all of the above!
Not sure about the names or velvet but I’ll think on it!
Well done! ❤️💕

Kat communicates with my own dog Freya
I said a general communication would be hugely embraced!
Hi Abbie,
I connected with your beautiful Freya this morning and this is what came in. I hope some of this relates? Either way would love your feedback ❤️❤️
Oh she is Very kind, gentle soft hearted such a beautiful girl ❤️
Very chill calm
I ask her for something you would know - she says
The banana game.
Spinning? Something to do with bananas spinning? I’m not sure 😄😬
Loves to lay by the fire and look at the stars
Fish in a lake? Trying to step on them with her paw looking at them, interested.
She’s Your garden helper she likes to lay near you when your pottering around the garden
Is her Back left hip a bit stiff? move around, stretch she says.
She says I love you Mum, we will get through this
Life is meant for living do all the things you’ve dreamed of
My response
Firstly, you are spot on with spinning!
At every mealtime Freya spins and spins with excitement as I take her meal to her to eat!!
She is a lovely calm girl and does lie contemplating the world in the garden, watching me all the while.
She has been a little stiff on getting up since last winter.
Thank you Kat so much!!